Good News
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! It is a great day to be saved and to know Jesus as our personal savior! I hope each of you are doing well. It was another great Sunday at FaithPointe, God is great and greatly to be praised!
Ephesians 5:21: Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. Life's challenges often feel like spiritual attacks, testing our faith and relationships. Trials can signal that God has something powerful planned. This awareness is vital, especially in marriage. Storms, whether they are spiritual, financial, or emotional will come. The question is: Are we prepared? The Bible shows us that sin and selfishness can turn unity into division, as seen in the story of Adam and Eve. To break down these barriers in marriage, we must strive to:
--Pursue God first: When both spouses focus on God, they naturally grow closer.
--Choose to Love: Love is a choice and commitment, not just a feeling, of putting your spouse's needs above yours.
--Communicate Well: Listen, speak with love, and handle disagreements respectfully.
--Grow Together: Continually seek spiritual, emotional, and intellectual growth together.
--Serve and Submit: Put each other's needs first, demonstrating Christ-like love through humility and mutual respect. Storms will test your marriage, but by relying on God, you can withstand any challenge. Fight for your marriage with prayer and God's grace, building a strong Christ-centered relationship.
Reflection: Take time this week to pray with your spouse daily, asking God to be at the center of your marriage. Discuss ways to serve one another better and to commit to one small act of love each day that shows appreciation and support. Try to listen more intentionally and speak with kindness, especially during difficult conversations. Reflect on how these actions bring you closer to each other and strengthen your relationship with God.
In His service,
Pastor Tresa
FaithPointe Ministries
We need volunteers for the Lighthouse ministry - please contact Tammy McIntosh at 859-608-8121.
Sunday, September 8 at 9am: Growth Track Class This class is for everyone, we invite you to get involved and know more about FaithPointe ministry.
Sunday, September 8th: Grandparents Day! Invite your grandparents to come to church with you. We will have a special gift for some special people that day!
Sunday, September 15th: Back to Church Sunday!!! Invite and bring all your neighbors and friends. Let's love our neighbors
Sunday, September 29th: Fusion Youth Bake Sale
Sunday, October 6th: Anniversary Services begin - Pastor John Taylor will be our guest speaker.
Saturday, October 12th: Community Fall Fest Sunday,
October 13th: Pastor Shaun Ferguson will be our guest speaker and Pastor Appreciation Day for our Pastors.
Sunday, October 20th: Apostle Johnathan Stidham will be our guest speaker.